Welcome to MOPS at St. Thomas Anglican Church




Motherhood is a journey…and a journey is always better with friends!

MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) is an important part of St. Thomas Anglican Church. We build circles of women who love each other like family, because we believe in the transformative potential of relationships and mentoring. Discussions about life, faith and parenting help equip moms, and give encouragement! We believe in the simple but revolutionary idea that remarkable things happen when moms come together!

Our theme for MOPS this year is "Say Yes"

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin… (ZECHARIAH 4:10 NLT)
Have you ever gotten to the end of a week, month or year and thought, “How did I get here? Where has the time gone?” It happens in our parenting, friendships, marriage and work- we get caught up in the urgent demands of the day-to-day, and then years go by, and we realize we haven’t been making the small choices that will get us where we actually wanted to be. So this is the year to make some moves.

It’s amazing how one little word can change your life. But too often, our ‘yeses’ are reserved for default decisions we aren’t even intentionally making or the stuff we feel obligated to do. What if we started saying ‘yes’ to the important things? Yes, to parenting on purpose. Yes, to significant challenges and out-of-your-comfort-zone opportunities. Yes, to your marriage. Invitations to connect with others? Yes, please. Saying yes opens us up to new ways of thinking and helps cultivate a growth mindset. To clarify, we’re not talking about people-pleasing or over-extending yourself. In fact, it’s the opposite. Developing a ‘yes’ mindset is living intentionally, focused on your goals for yourself and your family. It’s about listening to God’s still, small voice and doing the brave things rather than the easy things.

Now is your opportunity to develop a spirit of adventure and make new memories. Now is your chance to invite your kids along for the thrill that comes with doing hard things. You are wildly capable. Get uncomfortable. Persevere and say yes to the next small brave step God asks you to take.

Want to join us?

WHEN - 3rd Saturday morning of the month, 9:30-11:30am,

CAN I BRING MY CHILDREN? - YES. We offer free childcare at each meeting.

WHERE - St. Thomas Anglican Church, 7500 Logos Way, Gainesville, Va 20155

COST - $52, but St. Thomas Anglican Church covers half of the costs for each mom, so it’s only $26/person. If finances are still an issue, scholarships are available.

QUESTIONS - To ask questions about MOPS, email admin@stthomasac.org

MOPS at a Glance

3rd Saturday of the month 9am.

Use group code “DA8V”

*Scholarships available